⚠️ Due to the high volume of requests, processing/ development times range from 12 to 16 days. This shop is only conducted in our free time Dismiss

Assemble and modify your Stratux (OGN) Flarm anti-collision system right.

Build your own Flarm-compatible Stratux anti-collision system – view our comprehensive DIY component list, or
Upgrade your current Stratux with AHRS or barometric pressure sensor, even when you use a case which does not officially support this, due to space reasons.

Feature of upgraded Stratux anti-collision system:

  • ADS-L
  • 1090MHz ES ADS-B, (IN)
  • Mode S, Bearingless, (IN)
  • 868MHz, (I/O)
    • FLARM-compatible radio output, (I/O)
    • Open Glider Network (OGN), (I/O)
    • OGN Drones, (I/O)
    • PilotAware (PAW), (I/O)
    • Flying ad-hoc Networks (FANET), (I/O)
  • Optional: 978MHz ADS-B UAT, (IN)
  • Optional: 161/162MHz Marine AIS, (IN)

I/O = receives (RX) and transmits (TX); IN = receives only.

DIY Component List and How to Start with Stratux

Do it yourself Component List and How To Start with Stratux (OGN) Flarm
Do it yourself Component List and How To Start with Stratux (OGN) Flarm

You already use a Stratux? Upgrade it with additional Sensors!

  • Our developed and optimized circuit boards (PCB) enable proper connection to any additional sensor e.g. ICM-20948 (latest sensor generation), or GY-91 – MPU9250/ MPU9255 for AHRS functionality, or GY-BMP280 for barometric pressure (altitude), since the official Stratux AHRS module is no longer available.
  • Add (OGN) Flarm in/ out to become visible for gliders and be able to see them on your tablet, to avoid collision.


  • Stratux and other are not an approved or certified aid for flight execution.
  • Usage without any liability. Use without assuming responsibility: Stratux does not contain collision avoidance algorithms and does not give you or other aircrafts advice on avoiding traffic.
  • It is your responsibility to take all necessary actions for a safe flight, including collision avoidance and the responsible use of this product.
  • This device and its software are provided β€œas is” and with no explicit or implied liability.
  • Under no circumstanced can the owner of this website be held liable for any damage or other claims that may arise from the use of this software and hardware.