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assembled plug & play ready AHRS + Altitude Sensor Boards for Stratux Flarm

49,00 74,00 

Too lazy or unsure how to solder and connect additional sensors such as 🆕 ICM-20948, MPU9250, MPU9255 or GY-BMP280 to your Stratux FLARM?

In this case this product will meet your needs: We solder the entire sensor board mount to the AHRS sensor and to a header socket so you can simply plug it to your Raspberry PI’s GPIOs.


  • assembled sensor board mount (v3.1) to fit for cases distributed in the USA
  • AHRS sensor for Backup Attitude support (Attitude Heading Reference System)
    • Standard Sensor GY-91 – MPU9250, or
    • newer Sensor Generation MPU9255, or
    • latest Sensor Generation ICM-20948
  • Barometric pressure sensor GY-BMP280 (for Pressure Altitude).
  • GPIO stacking header.
  • Pins to power your Raspberry PI‘s Fan with constantly either 3.3V or 5V
  • Fits into smaller cases which officially do not support additional sensors.
  • V3.1 version even supports US’ cases and can power up to two fans!

Please select if you want to purchase, either 🆕 newest generation ICM-20948, or newer generation (MPU9255BMP280), or standard version GY-91 (MPU9250 + BMP280)

This product is a fully assembled and tested AHRS and barometric pressure altitude sensor. – v3.1 board version which fits US’ cases!

This board does not contain a fan control, because the transistor used for the control increases the antenna noise. When using this board you have the option to connect the fan permanently to either 3.3V or 5V.